You need numbers to emphasize your valuable contributions. This post will go over how to find them.
You’ll be able to answer the question: How do I find the numbers to emphasize my contributions?

Are you wondering how to find the numbers to emphasize your work contributions? This can be tricky. Some areas of work are automatically quantified while other areas take some creativity. Take what you do every day into consideration. Look at who you work with and the service you provide. See what’s quantified for you already. Look at different variables that can be quantified. While a lot of items are automatically quantified, you can really quantify just about any item.
Find the Numbers Tip #1: Quantify What You Do Each Day

Don’t overlook the importance of your daily work. Work to quantify what you do each day. Some examples include information involving customers, projects, percentages or company averages. How many customers have you helped this month? Can you compare that to the company average? Is it higher than the company average? Those are numbers you can quantify that can be talking points.
How many of those customers gave a positive review? Can you turn that into a percentage? “89% of customers had a positive experience and 11% did not respond to the customer survey. This is an above average positive review rating based on company averages.” Take the various tasks you do each day into consideration and get creative to quantify that in some form.
Find the Numbers Tip #2: Look At What’s Quantified for You Already

It may seem obvious, but look at what’s quantified for you already. Some examples may include data from the previous year with which you can compare. “Last year we received a 72% approval rating and now we are at 81% since I have joined the team. The services that I’ve implemented since I have been here are X, Y & Z and these positively impacted the user experience.”
A lot of data you have to sift through, but you can leverage that data. Some of it you will have to get really creative, but do that. Maybe it’s purely communication assisting with a skillset only you can provide or that you do better than others.
“I have reached out to 25 clients per week with an average of 100 clients reached per month, giving them assistance in XYZ. This is an increase of 50 clients reached per month which is a 45% increase in client reach.” Look at what you have to work with and put it into numbers and/or percentages.
If you are looking for more negotiation tips, you may be interested in:
- Can I Make the First Offer in a Negotiation?
- Top 5 Negotiation Tips for a Smoother Negotiation
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- 3 Powerful Negotiation Tips No One Tells You
- 4 Important Questions You Need Answered Before Your Negotiation
Find the Numbers Tip #3: Use Different Resources / Variables in Your Quantification

Use different resources or variables in your quantification. An example could potentially be with clients or maybe it’s with documents, projects or new initiatives you have implemented.
“I’ve created X amount of documents that are sent out to each department team to make them more efficient. We have seen efficiency rates increase in the company/department by X amount.”
Maybe you are quantifying completed projects. Can you leverage that or compare it with other works (not by naming colleagues, just by the volume)? Maybe you can add in how many colleagues you have supported and add that in addition to your work: “In addition to my numbers, I have assisted 5 colleagues with projects in X and Y.”
Get Creative Quantifying Your Contributions
Get creative. If you work on it and it’s part of your job and duties, it can be quantified. Remember that some items are more easily quantified than others, but work to find the gray areas that you can give a number to in order to demonstrate how much value you add.
Think of all the different items and variables you can quantify: clients, customers, reviews, connections, documents created, projects completed, projects you assisted with, customers you assisted, positive rate, money saved, money earned, clients gained, positive hires, improvement percentage, and the list goes on. There is an unlimited amount of items you can quantify.
Think of all the unique value you provide. You work “there” for a reason. You are working where you work because you are needed and you provide a valuable service. Quantify that. Quantify just how much value you add in your daily, monthly and yearly professional duties. Then get paid for it. Quantify your contributions. They are worth a lot.
What have you quantified? How has it supported your career or to get a salary increase? Add it in the comments!
This was a follower question! What other negotiation questions do you have? Add it to the comments below to see it in an upcoming post!
Looking for More on Negotiation?
If you are looking for more on negotiation, you may be interested in:
- Top 5 Negotiation Tips for a Smoother Negotiation
- 3 Powerful Negotiation Tips No One Tells You
- Can I Make the First Offer in a Negotiation?
- 3 Easy Steps to Promote Yourself in a Negotiation
- Should I Negotiate Right Now? 3 Recession Resources
- 4 Important Questions You Need Answered Before Your Negotiation
Here is a compilation of quick negotiation tips. These tips can help you feel confident for your next negotiation. You got this. All you need are some top tips to start your negotiation off on the right foot!

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