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4 Reasons You Need to Track Your Work Wins & How They Help You Do Better in a Negotiation

You need to track your work wins. Tracking your work wins can be a game changer for your career. In this article, you will figure out what a work win is and 4 reasons you need to be keeping track of them. Read on to find out how tracking your work wins will help you in your next negotiation or review, not to mention in your career.

track your work wins

What is a Work Win? 

A work win is something you accomplished at work. It’s something you excelled in and did well in your job. Maybe it is in your job description, maybe it’s outside of it. One example of a work win could be that you managed a project that increased revenue. Another example could be that you had great customer reviews that created the highest percentage of repeat customers. Maybe you onboarded new employees with the highest rate of retention. It could be that you closed a deal with a difficult client. Whatever you’re doing and doing well at work, this counts as a work win.

work win

It doesn’t have to be formal either. Maybe you spoke up for something important that was overlooked. Did you implement a policy that benefits other colleagues? Maybe a customer sent you gratitude about how helpful you were in their moment of need. Did you help out a colleague with an extra favor during a difficult time? All those absolutely count. Your achievements at work and the things you feel proud of are your work wins. You get to define whatever that means for you. Don’t overlook the small stuff either. That can (often) be the important stuff. 

Your achievements at work and the things you feel proud of are your work wins.

How Do I Identify A Work Win?

What are you great at? In what area have you received positive feedback (whether it’s from a customer, a colleague, the boss)? What do people consistently come to you for? In what area(s) is your expertise? Identify this and then start to track these. 

Small, Big – Track It All!

Don’t worry if something seems too small to track. It’s not. You just need to get into the habit of saving good work, positive feedback, compliments, a job well done, increased revenue, a satisfied customer, etc. Save it all. You can pick out what you deem as important or pivotal later on in the process. This is not the time to be picky. Track it all. 

How Do I Track My Work Wins?

Choose the method that’s easiest for you that you will consistently return to. It doesn’t need to be fancy. It just needs to get done. 

What way do you quickly and easily save information on a regular basis? Choose that method.

Here are a few ideas:

  • excel spreadsheet
  • word doc
  • note in your phone
  • list in a notebook you use regularly
  • list in a planner with a star beside it so it’s labeled
  • saved emails folder
  • list making app
reasons to track your work wins

Whatever your method is, document and save your work wins. 

This does not have to be fancy. It just needs to get done. This is a non-negotiable.

Saving your work wins doesn’t need to be fancy. It just needs to get done.

Why Track My Work Wins? 

  • 1. Helps during reviews and negotiations
  • 2. Difficult to remember all accomplishments
  • 3. Can use previous people and projects as leverage
  • 4. Boosts confidence in your skills
4 reasons you need to track your work wins

1. Helps During Reviews and Negotiations

If you have a list of accomplishments you can look back on from the past few months, year(s), think of how prepared you will be for that conversation (an annual review or negotiation for a promotion, etc.). Choose the accomplishments that speak to your performance the most. Use those as leverage to show off your good work and get what you want.

Pick 3 Achievements from Your List

Pick 3 of your strongest achievements and present these within the narrative of how good of a job you are doing. Persuasion expert Daniel Pink explains,

Offering 3 arguments is helpful in persuasion. The 4th deteriorates your persuasiveness… the reason is because it seems like you’re trying too hard. They think it must not be that great of an offer. Or it is the antithesis of persuasion – it may make them confused.

Daniel Pink, 2020

Pick 3 accomplishments. If you need to use other achievements from your list to back up a point or weave within your narrative, you have those ready too. 

2. Difficult to Remember All Accomplishments

I know you’re amazing, but you can’t possibly remember all the amazing work you do. There are just too many for you to keep in your head. Having a list of your work wins will help you remember projects, conversations and details you would have otherwise forgotten. 

Write it down. Save it. Choose the method that works best for you.

3. Can Use Previous People and Projects as Leverage

Saving your work wins allows you to look back at specific details you may have forgotten. Saving conversations, emails or details allows you to look back at this information and use it during your review or negotiation. You can name drop a manager, senior executive or important client that gave you praise. These details can be used as evidence of your accomplishments. Use this as leverage for advocating for what you want. 

4. Boosts Confidence in Your Skills

How great would you feel looking at a list of amazing work YOU did? Maybe you had an off moment (we all do). Take a glance at your list of achievements and BOOM, you’re back in the game.

Looking at all your great work just makes you feel good. Bask in your accomplishments. You deserve it. You’re a boss!

Don’t underestimate the power of tracking your accomplishments. It can boost your confidence in a down moment, before an important meeting or during a negotiation. 

Ready, Set, Track Your Work Wins

Are you sold yet? Are you tracking your work wins yet? This is a nonnegotiable. Track your work wins! Thank me later. 

reminder track your work wins


Pink, Daniel (2020). Daniel Pink Teaches Sales and Persuasion. MasterClass.

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4 reasons to track your work wins